¡Regístrate HOY y te regalamos 3 verificaciones GRATIS!

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Verification of

identityofficial documentsbusiness legalityemployment historysuppliers

certified trust

With Klibu™ create your circle of trust by verifying the identity of people and companies with official sources.

verificacion de identidad

Tu plataforma de verificación de identidad favorita

With Klibu™, verify the authenticity, validity and current status of your new users, clients, workers and suppliers quickly and directly.



Choose the certificate according to your needs

Certificado básico

Verifica a tu equipo de trabajo actual o la identidad de personas de bajo riesgo.

1 Identificación

1 Comprobante de domicilio CFE

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Verifica la identidad de clientes, usuarios o personas de riesgo medio-alto. Ideal para quienes han trabajado bajo regulaciones y buscan un equilibrio entre profundidad y eficiencia en la verificación de identidades.

1 Identificación

Certificado intermedio

1 Comprobante de domicilio CFE


1 Revisión listas negras 

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Verifica la identidad e historial laboral de aspirantes a puestos de trabajo.

1 Identificación

1 Comprobante de domicilio CFE

Certificado profesional



1 Revisión listas negras 

1 Reporte laboral (IMSS)

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Verifica empresas y proveedores bajo la búsqueda en listas negras, verificación del RFC, con un minucioso proceso manual junto a opiniones legales con resultados detallados


1 Revisión listas negras 

Certificado empresarial

1 Dictamen Legal

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Select your verification method
verification de documentos oficiales

Upload the documents

If you already have the documents and information: upload them and begin the Klibu verification process

Request the documents

If you do not have the documents of the person to be verified, generate a link and share it so that he or she can upload them directly

verification de documentos


Download your Klibu trust certificate
verification de identidad

Y comienza a tomar decisiones de
con mayor confianza

verificar identidad

And start making business decisions
with greater confidence

Build your circle of trust with Klibu

With our technology and the help of AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and OCR) we consult official databases precisely, generating understandable trust certificates without the need to decipher complicated codes.

Our systems are located in the AWS cloud and we use AES256 encryption for document storage.

Build Circles of Trust with Klibu: Hassle-Free Identity Verification

know your customer
Can’t find what you need?
We help you generate the most appropriate solution for your needs


Our clients support us, with Klibu you can make
the best decisions for you and your businesses.
“Knowing if the person is on the blacklists is valuable because I prevent the risk of hiring someone with a criminal history 🧐”
Human Resources
verification de identidad

“I use the basic certificate, because I am dedicated to making telephone and internet contracts and with this I could verify my clients 😀”

Communication Services Agent
“I like the application 👩‍💻 because it is easy to use because since we are a remote company, sometimes we don’t know if our employees have another job.”
Digital Transformation
“I like that it explains it to me in an easy and simple way without having to interpret codes 🤓”
Human Resources


Improve the health of your business with technological strategies,
we help you detect and verify your identity processes.


To prevent fraud in your business, we will explore key tips and best practices to keep your business safe from potential fraudulent threats…


Hiring new employees or collaborators is one of the most crucial decisions a business can make. Choosing who joins your team can have a significant impact on the success and reputation of your company.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Essential: Perfect for those looking to verify their current work team or confirm the identity of low-risk individuals. In situations where trust is key, this option provides fast, low-cost verification.
  2. Advanced: Ideal for verifying the identity of clients, users or medium-high risk people. 
  3. Professional: Ideal for companies and organizations that value precision and depth in verifying the identity of professionals or corroborating the work history of future collaborators. If you are looking to make informed and strategic hiring decisions in the business environment, this trusted certificate is essential for you.
  4. Business: Excellent for verifying companies and suppliers: the best option to have solid business relationships. By using our business verification, you can safeguard yourself against unnecessary risks. We uniquely combine automated methods, such as blacklist searching and RFC verification, with a thorough manual process, while delivering legal opinions with careful, timely human review and detailed results. This differentiates us in the market, ensuring precision and depth in each legal evaluation we perform.
  • Identificación oficial:CFE : Our CFE proof of address verification is a complete solution. We upload documents in various formats and validate them through secure access to the exclusive CFE database. In addition, we use geolocation technology to obtain the location of the home.
  • Official identification: In our identity verification system we analyze INE voter credentials, driver's licenses and Mexican passports, in addition, we verify more than 13,000 types of identification documents from 247 countries and territories. This verification is performed accurately and quickly using advanced technology, guaranteeing authenticity with physical evidence and Machine Learning, with OCR precision.
  • CFE: CFE: Our CFE proof of address verification is a complete solution. We upload documents in various formats and validate them through secure access to the exclusive CFE database. In addition, we use geolocation technology to obtain the location of the home.
  • CURP: It serves to verify the authenticity and obtain information related to the Unique Population Registration Code (CURP) before RENAPO efficiently, which is useful in identification and validation processes of personal data.
  • Labor report (weeks paid in the IMSS): Provides legal details about a person's work history linked to the weeks paid in the Mexican Social Security Institute, which is useful to know a person's work history.
  • This certificate, which already includes elements of the Basic Certificate, expands its scope by incorporating additional verification elements which are:
  • CURP: It serves to verify the authenticity and obtain information related to the Unique Population Registration Code (CURP) before RENAPO efficiently, which is useful in identification and validation processes of personal data.
  • Proof of tax status: This service verifies proof of tax status in various formats, guarantees data privacy, and validates proof of RFC address. It works by uploading the document, verification, OCR processing and direct consultation to the SAT
  • Blacklist verification: Blacklist verification is essential for organizations' risk management and compliance. Helps identify and mitigate risks related to illicit activities, ensuring compliance with national and international regulations.
  • Labor report (weeks paid in the IMSS): Provides legal details about a person's work history linked to the weeks paid in the Mexican Social Security Institute, which is useful to know a person's work history.
  • Proof of tax status: This service verifies proof of tax status in various formats, guarantees data privacy, and validates proof of RFC address. It works by uploading the document, verification, OCR processing and direct consultation to the SAT
  • Verification of blacklists of legal entities: Verification of blacklists is essential for risk management and regulatory compliance of organizations. Helps identify and mitigate risks related to illicit activities, ensuring compliance with national and international regulations.
  • Legal opinion: Plays a crucial role in verifying the authenticity and legal compliance of a company. Designed for reliability and security, this legal report helps prevent litigation and ensures that all transactions are carried out legitimately and securely, building a solid foundation of trust.
We safeguard data in an encrypted, segregated and protected way; We store records in databases and documents in a file storage system with AES256 encryption mechanisms. Your data will always be safe in Klibu, it is our guarantee.
We build trust by protecting the security of your digital data. Avoid the fear and regret associated with losing information, as we protect your data by implementing strict privacy policies and security measures to protect the data of all our users. We have ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications which guarantee our excellence in the implementation of the best practices in safety and quality in the provision of our services.